vrijdag 11 mei 2012

5 Things That You Should Be Using Your Cloud Storage For

Just last week, Google Drive finally shipped and we’re now able to give it a spin to see if it lives up to the expectation of being a Dropbox competitor. Personally, I’ve not given it a hard look yet because, well, Dropbox works! I have a paid Dropbox account and it’s perfect for me. Maybe after a few months of being played with, I’ll feel like Drive is worth jumping into. If you’re new to cloud storage, I won’t blame you for going Google. Both services are great in that they offer a nice chunk of free storage that anyone should be able to put to use. With the cloud’s rising popularity and on-the-go computing as popular as ever in 2012, it’s time for you to get on the ball. But what exactly should you be using Dropbox, Google Drive, or another alternative for? Let me help you figure that.

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